Allgemeine Verkaufsbedingungen von Beijer Electronics
Here are the rules & regulations for the Nordic & EMEA (Europe, Middle East & Africa) regions.
Order confirmation
- The order will be confirmed within 24 hours if the order has been placed as a ”clean” order i.e. with the correct article number, description, delivery location, invoicing address as well as terms, customer credit check and price.
- For ”unclean” orders the order will be confirmed within three (3) days as the Beijer Electronics co-ordinator needs time to investigate the correct information needed in the order.
- An order that exceeds a fixed quantity threshold will be considered as a ”Large order”. Large orders* will be confirmed within five (5) days.
- It is the responsibility of the Customer to check the Order Confirmation sent by Beijer Electronics, to ensure that the correct product with the correct price has been acknowledged. If not, Beijer Electronics needs to be contacted immediately to correct the order.
- In the event of a delivery problem after the first Order Confirmation has been sent, Beijer Electronics will communicate the issue to the Customer and provide a re-confirmation with a later date.
* The fixed quantity threshold for a Large order will be communicated and will be different depending on which product is ordered.
Shipping of goods
Partial shipping “NO”: All order lines are shipped in one occasion and in accordance with the established delivery date for the longest lead time item.
- Stocked item in the Malmö distribution centre can be delivered by the second business day after the order has been released for pick & pack.
- Non-stocked items will be delivered according to communicated lead time on the Order Acknowledgement.
- Urgent/Express Orders
- For stocked items there is a possibility to deliver the same (or next) day, assuming that the order(s) meet the size and weight parameters for overnight shipments.
- The possibility for ICE (In Case of Emergency) also exist which is the possibility to receive an order and deliver it outside of normal working hours such as weekends and holidays. This service is provided with an extra fee.
- The Beijer Electronics Delivery Term is Ex Works
- Beijer Electronics can assist with booking of shipments but the payment and agreements with the forwarders must be conveyed by the Customer. The Customer is also responsible for the transportation insurance.
- It is the responsibility of the Customer to pick up the goods in time i.e. not to leave the goods in the Beijer Electronics storage, waiting for the next order to be packed and ready.
- An invoice and a delivery note will be provided in conjunction with the delivery.
Shipping of goods
- There are two possibilities related to the shipments of goods:
Partial shipping “NO”: All order lines are shipped in one occasion and in accordance with the established delivery date for the longest lead time item.
- Consolidation of multiple orders into one single shipment, regardless of partial “YES” or “NO” may add additional business days to the delivery date.
- Order changes and/or Cancellation of orders are not allowed when the order is in status ”Reserved” i.e. the order is being picked & packed and getting ready for shipment.
- The Customer must always contact the order co-ordinator who checks the order status.
- Exceptions to the above rule may be applied due to specific reasons and need to be communicated between the Customer and the Beijer Electronics order co-ordinator and in accordance with the Salesman/Key Account Manager.
- Other rules may apply for major partners, in accordance with agreements set up between the Partner and Beijer Electronics.
* Above rules do not apply to any NCNR products (products that can not be cancelled nor returned) On the Order Confirmation it is stated if the ordered products are a part of this category. Customized products can not be cancelled or changed without a special agreement between the Customer and Beijer Electronics Sales organization.
Return of products
- In the case of logistic, technical or commercial claims the Customer should contact Beijer Electronics immediately or no later than 30 days after received delivery.
- Beijer Electronics will provide a Return Material Number and the address to be used when returning the goods.
- Stocked Items can be returned if they are new i.e. unused.
A handling fee of 20% will apply on business returns.
- For quality issues please enter the Beijer Electronics Service Portal and follow the Service procedures.
Points of contact
Service & repairs
EMEA region: Log in to the Service Portal using your personal log-in
Technical support